========== Flow tasks ========== Start ===== .. autoclass:: viewflow.flow.Start :members: Permission, Available View ==== View task represents user task performed by interaction with django view. .. autoclass:: viewflow.flow.View :members: Permission, Assign .. autofunction:: viewflow.flow.flow_view Views decorated with `flow_view` decorator executed in transaction. If an error happens in view or during nexttask activation, database rollback will be performed and no changes will be stored. Job === Job task represents user task performed in background by celery .. autoclass:: viewflow.flow.Job .. autofunction:: viewflow.flow.flow_job If any error will happens during job execution task would be moved to `error` state, and available for administrator desision in admin interface. If error will happens on next task ativation, for example, error raised on `If` conditions, job task will be commited and marked as done, but the failed for activation task would be created in `error` state. If ==== .. autoclass:: viewflow.flow.If Switch ====== .. autoclass:: viewflow.flow.Switch Split ===== .. autoclass:: viewflow.flow.Split Join ==== .. autoclass:: viewflow.flow.Join Function ======== .. autoclass:: viewflow.flow.Function Handler ======= .. autoclass:: viewflow.flow.Handler Signal ====== .. autoclass:: viewflow.flow.Signal End ==== .. autoclass:: viewflow.flow.End